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Real estate social network
Discover top Real Estate Social Networks. 99% millennials & 90% baby boomers start home search on social media. Choose best for your campaigns.
Seattle market's slow end 2023
Seattle's housing market saw a dip in late 2023. Discover the reasons and whether a 2024 recovery is expected for this area's real estate.
Free crm for real estate
Boost sales with top free real estate CRMs. NAR finds only 4-12 in 1,000 online leads close. Optimize lead management for success.
Types of mortgage loans
Sept 2023: Avg US home price $412K, +2% YoY. Explore type of home loans to find the best mortgage options amid rising costs.
Santa cruz real estate market
Explore the Santa Cruz Housing Market: dynamic, competitive, with quick sales & high prices. Get 2024 forecasts for savvy investments.
2 in 3 US workers feel income isn't keeping up with living costs. Discover how home improvement loans can fund your dream renovations affordably.
How to buy a house
Discover the key to unlocking your dream home with our guide on the "Home Buying Process: 10 Steps to Buying a House" – your roadmap to a smooth journey.